Vim 进阶
Repeat using . and ;
// use ' to revert ;, u to revert .
var foo = "method("+argument1+","+argument2+")";
- f+ to Move, s<space>+<space><Esc> to Change.
- use ; to repeat search and . to repeat change
var foo = "method(" + argument1 + "," + argument2 + ")";
Dot Formula
The Ideal:
- one keystroke to Move, one keystroke to Execute.
- Act, Repeat, Reverse
- Operator + Motion = Action (dw、guaw、gcap)
- 如何在每行的最后加上分号? 先A; 然后就可以重复j. j. j.
- 查找:光标在单词上的时候输入*也可以
- 查找并替换: cwxxx 然后重复 n. n. n. 也可以用 :%s/content/copy/g 命令
- 更改大小写:g~、gu 和 gU
- w: word, s: sentence, p: paragraph, 一般来说,d{motion} 命令和 aw、as 和 ap 配合使用比较好,而 c{motion} 和 iw is ip一起用效果会更好
- :!ls exec shell command inside vim, % means current file
- modify column data: visual select then c, finally <Esc>
- 非方形区域也行,如在行尾添加分号:选中block,go to end using $
- :w !sudo tee % > /dev/null 以超级用户权限保存文件
- :%s/Practical/Pragmatic/ 每行内的第一个“Practical”替换为“Pragmatic”
- in visual mode: o: Goto other end of highlighted text.
- in visual mode: r-: change them all to —–
- in insert mode: <C-o>zz to get into insert normal mode.(move curr line to center and continue insert)
- 18<C-x>: find the first number later in this line, -18 to it.
- in insert mode: <C-w> delete back one word. <C-u> delete back to start of line
- in insert mode: <C-r>=6*24<CR> insert the result
- R to replace mode